
Yep, that about sums it up!  (you’ll want to hang around to the end of the post, trust me!)

The Urban dictionary describes this word as:  describing any quality that is so indescribable that you have no real word to say it with.

That is how I feel about the news I am about to reveal to you.  I have been just about busting at the seams to tell you something wonderful that is happening here at {re}imagined, but I have not been able to, at least, not until now!

You see, while we have been so busy preparing for the December “Shop the Barn {boutique} Sale” any spare moments have been working on this . . .

Logo 2


. . .  So we could launch our new website (not up yet), but we have officially become a dot-com.  You will eventually be able to find us at our very own domain, . .

. . . all in preparation for what is coming next February and March.  Am I making you crazy yet?  Have you any guesses?  Should I give you a few days to figure it out?  Not nice, is it?

Remember the title of the post?  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?  Well, that is exactly how I feel about being one of the featured presenters at the Mid-Michigan Women’s Expo in Lansing AND the West Michigan Women’s Expo in Grand Rapids!!!

Can you see why I chose that word for the post!!??  Let’s all celebrate with a little ‘happy dance’, shall we?  Can you hardly believe it??  Obviously I will be sharing more details in the future, but for right now, I must try and contain myself and f.o.c.u.s. on the tasks at hand.




Filed under Women's Expo

16 responses to “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

  1. Tami

    And to think I knew you when you were “just a mom”!!! So excited for you Michelle!!! You GO Girl!!!!
    Blessings, Tami

  2. THAT’s the interview I was referring to, Michelle….but just couldn’t remember the official name! lol! I am SOOOOO happy for you, proud of you, and excited for you, sweetie!!! It is truly a well-deserved honor and one more way to glorify the gifts that God has given you! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  3. A little “Happy Dance”? I think it should be a very big, full blown, Happy Dance!!!! Way to go. So happy for you!

  4. Hope Badge

    Well —- it couldn’t be happening to anyone more deserving than you Michelle! Way to go!!! Can’t wait to see where God takes you next. 🙂

  5. Just read the release! So cool!!!

  6. Fantastic!!! Can’t wait to hear more!!

  7. Suz

    Oh My Goodness, I can not think of any single artisan that is more deserving of this great honor.
    Congrats and let me know if I can be of any assisitance, help, encouragement or absolutely anything you need.

  8. elaine

    *happy dance* and {{hugs}} to you for such thrilling news! Can’t wait to hear more! cheering you on from GA~

  9. So very excited for you! Amazing lady with an Amazing family!! I pray that every dream you have comes true!! R

  10. Judy Gibson

    Wonderful news, Michelle…so exciting for you!! Look forward to hearing more!

  11. Janet

    Congratulations MIchelle! Could not have happend to a more wonderful and talented woman. You work so hard and God knows that. You are such an amazing artisan, woman,mother and wife.

  12. Nancy Pleune

    Happy dancin’ over here 🙂 God is going to bless you to bless others in so many ways. So thrilled for you and your family.

  13. Norma Jean Christoff

    I love the new look. I get so excited when I think of the next few months in your life. When were you told you could make the announcement about the expos. I bet the followers will crazy. WOW what a gift from God. You have worked hard to achive this, youand Brian, leaning on God and trusting what is next. I’m so proud of you both. And i know your Father is so pleased with you, and the team you have become. L, Mom

    On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:24 PM, {re}imagined

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  15. Pingback: Surprisingly, No Tears Were Shed | {re}imagined

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